Note: It is mandatory that at least one author of all accepted papers have to register for the conference to ensure that the paper is included in the proceeding. Only registered authors are allowed to present their papers.  High quality selected papers will be submitted to the SCI, Scopus and web of science journals, 

                      12th August 2024  is last date  for Registration fee payment

Conference Registration

Conference Registration

Research Scholars

Rs 2500/- (indians) & 50$ (Foreigners)

Faculty delegates

Rs 3000/- (indians) & 100$ (Foreigners)

Delegates from R&D

Rs 3500/- (indians) & 150$ (Foreigners)

Organizations & Industries ,

Rs 4000(indians) & 150$ (Foreigners)

Accompanying Persons / Listeners

Rs 1500/-

Awards Fee

Rs 2,000/- (indians) & 50$ (Foreigners)

Registration Application Form

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